Monday, June 11, 2007

The Goal of this Blog

The goal of this new blog is to celebrate and honor the airmen of World War Two, regardless of their country of origin. This is a subject of great importance to me, as an aviation writer and historian. I hope to share some interesting stories about WWII airmen, and also to serve as a place where interested parties can find out more about these great men.

This has become a life's work for me. My first book, which was published in 2006 by Potomac Books, has been a critical and commercial success. My goal in writing it was to seek out little-known aspects of the air war over Europe. However, this blog is not an advertisement for my book, and I will not even mention its title here.

I am currently at work on a novel about the American airmen who flew the B-17 bomber over Europe in World War Two. In writing it, I have six World War Two air veterans acting as technical advisors. Two of them were shot down and became POWs. Another was shot down by the Swiss and became an internee. The others survived, but all were wounded. I will attempt in this blog to chronicle the writing of this novel.

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