Friday, June 29, 2007

Leslie Moore--63 Years Ago Today

Leslie Moore, Ball Turret Gunner, 100th Bomb Group

Sixty-three years ago today, 100th Bomb Group ball turret gunner Leslie Moore flew his first mission, to Bohlen, Germany. In his diary, Leslie noted:

"Mission I

Target: Bohlen, Germany
Date: June 29th, 1944
Flak: Moderate - Accurate
Bomb Load: 20-250 lbs."

For the most part, he was very terse in his diary although he always described the target, date, flak and bomb load. Sometimes he would write comments like: "my birthday: one of the worst days we had".

Young Leslie Moore was only 23 when this photo was taken (old by the standards of enlisted airmen). The photo was taken about halfway through his tour. This is grandson Les Poitras' favorite photo of his grandfather, who passed away not long ago.

Looking at the photo, Les writes: "I wonder if the piece of skin on his neck is from the cold air while in the ball turret. I never had the chance to ask him, as I did not find this photo until AFTER he passed away."

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