Thursday, June 14, 2007


No posts today because my son Matt and I went camping in Yellowstone Park. It's only a one-and-a-half hour drive from our home in Ammon, Idaho, so it can actually be one as a day-trip. We camped at Bridge Bay, on Yellowstone Lake, elevation 7,500' or thereabouts. I did some hiking, we saw a coyote with pups, many bison and elk, and a bald eagle, and generally relaxed. Did the obigatory visit to watch Old Faithful erupt (it did). Tomorrow, my wife and I are driving to Salt Lake City, Utah to watch a Broadway-licensed production of 'Les Miserables'. We'll spend the night and drive back Saturday after our visit to the 'big city'.
I took the photos last summer, but it still looks the same.


  1. I'm so envious Rob. Yellowstone looks magnificent. I hope my pictures taken off Scotland's west coast will compete.

  2. That's the beauty of blogs--we can experience each other's cultures and scenery.
