Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Few More Yellowstone Pictures

The map above shows our approximate hiking route in red.

My friend Roger had a much better digital than I did on our hike across the Central Yellowstone Plateau on Wednesday. He has a 12X Optical Zoom versus my 4X Digital Zoom, and consequently his pictures are better. Here is a second set of Yellowstone photos, taken by Roger Gottlob, fellow educator and future professional photographer, for your viewing pleasure.A black wolf trots nonchalently across a meadow on the eastern side of Mary Mountain. We watched him for about five minutes. He saw us, but was unconcerned by our presence. This wolf was about the size of an over-sized German Shepherd.

At the isolated patrol cabin, Mary's Lake. Heather Gottlob, Roger Gottlob, me.

A landscape shot in the Hayden Valley, showing the massive herd of buffalo we encountered on the way down. We had to detour to the left around a ridge to get past them.

Some people follow directions when asked to pose for a photo. Some do not.

On a ridge overlooking the Hayden Valley, the hiker is back in the good graces of his patient photographer.

A young Grizzly noses for grubs in a meadow at the extreme west end of the Hayden Valley. This grizzly was completely unfazed by human beings. Still, we kept a healthy distance.

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