Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Special Day for Bob Cozens and Wife Pat

I heard from 95th BG pilot Robert 'Bob' Cozens today that this is the 65th anniversary of receiving his pilot's wings, and also the 65th anniversary of the day he married his lovely wife Pat, for whom his aircraft, Patsy Ann III, was named.

Bob has an incredible story, having been one of the original airmen of the 95th Bomb Group. Many of the early flyers in this group perished in the spring, summer, and fall of 1943.

Leave Bob and Pat a message here and I'll make sure they get it.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bob and Pat Cozens,

    My name is Les Poitras. I'm the proud grandson of a ball-turret gunner with the 100th Bomb Group, 351st squadron, Leslie B. Moore, who participated in 33 missions from Jun 29th to Nov. 2nd, 1944. Sadly, my grandfather passed away last year after a long battle with Alzheimer's.

    For the past couple years, to try and understand my grandfather better, I have been reading books about the air war in WWII, both in Europe and the Pacific, including Rob Morris's wonderful book, "Untold Valor".

    To sum this experience up, I am completely overwhelmed by the incredible bravery shown by the airmen of WWII. I believe it is difficult for anyone who wasn't there to understand where you all got the courage and ability to do what you did, but I am honored to be a citizen of this great country that so many great men have fought for and so many have made the ultimate sacrifice or suffered in the aftermath. I believe the airmen of WWII to be amongst the bravest human beings in the history of humanity, not just the United States of America.

    I'm honored whenever I can make contact with a WWII veteran and be able to try to thank them for saving the world from fascism. How do we, the beneficiaries, ever thank you enough? We can't, but we can keep trying by learning about you. That's what I've been doing.

    I've had the privelege of making friends with several WWII airmen since starting my learning endeavor. In September, I will be attending the 100th Bomb Group reunion, flying on the same plane with the bombardier of my grandfather's crew, the last surviving crew member. I'm looking forward to shaking hands with and seeing face to face some extraordinarily brave men.

    I salute you and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    May future generations of America look to The Greatest Generation for example and guidance.

    Proudly Yours,
    Les Poitras
