Friday, August 24, 2007

Teaching and Writing

During the school year I am a public high school teacher. The reason the number of posts has declined in the past week is that I am back on the job. This year, I have 140 14-year-olds--high school freshmen. I love my job but would be lying if I said it wasn't hard, with long hours. This has limited my blogging.

I am trying to juggle two careers. One is my teaching career, now in its 23rd year. The other is my writing. These do not co-exist together easily. I have set as my goal to make my living at writing within the next five years. This summer I completed the novel I had set myself to write. This year I am working on the 95th Bomb Group history.

I am thankful to my friends who have encouraged me to keep pushing. I am very thankful for all the vets who stuck with me while I wrote Untold Valor. And I am thankful that I count a few fellow writers as people I can bounce ideas and frustrations off of. It's not always easy. I've worked multiple jobs for so many years now that I am wearing a little thin.

Hang with me, folks. The best is yet to come. And thank you, my friends, for sticking with me.
With my 'Step Into Reading' book, Herb Alf's "Petals of Fire" for staff photo at Eagle Rock


  1. Rob, you most definitely should stick with the writing, as I know you will. I’ve no idea how you manage to combine a career and a job! You are talented and have an eye for things that makes you one of the ones who will succeed. If anyone had told me ten years ago that I would make my living from writing books I would have laughed. For me it was never a dream, it just kind of happened. You have the benefit of having that dream and the vision and the energy to make it all work. In the meantime we'll let you off posting as much - but not too much!

  2. Richard, you are one of the guys that keeps me going. Thank you. :)

  3. On the basis if I can do it anyone can!!
