Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Last Game of the Season

There's something bittersweet about the last baseball game of the season. On Monday night, I went to the Single-A Minor League Idaho Falls Chukars' playoff game, which they lost and were thus eliminated by the Orem Owlz. The air had the crisp, pre-frost tang of early fall, and the season's end served as a reminder that time passes, and that we must make each day count.

1 comment:

  1. It was a cold very clear night last night and the sky was full of stars and that lovely smell that pervades the air when Autumn comes knocking. This morning the cloud had rolled in but at 6.30 when I went out with the dogs the thermometer was hovering around zero.

    Soon it will be time to get the log fires burning and break out my tweed from its summer storage....happy days are just around the corner.
