Monday, January 14, 2008

Research Trip to England

Framlingham Castle, near one of the 95th's early bases, later to become home to the 390th.

New developments in my attempt to get school district approval for my research trip to England, mostly good.

Worst-case scenario is that I would put off the trip until school let out for the summer. The 95th Association has indicated this will not be a problem. Best-case scenario--the district decides to let me go and not forfeit my salary. We won't know until January 23.

The old 95th runway at Horham.

Aerial view of the city of Horham, near the 95th's base in East Anglia.

The trip to the 95th Reunion in Tucson will not be a problem at all.
Stained glass window in the church in Grafton Underwood.

My next order of business for England is to make contacts with the East Anglian towns where the 95th was based, and get an advert in the papers there asking for memories from townspeople who were alive at the time the 95th was there. That way I can line up interviews ahead of time.

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