Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Superb Super Bowl Game

Stephen Tyree makes an impossible catch in the fourth quarter to keep the trailing Giants' drive alive. It was made possible by incredible scrambling by Giants quarterback Eli Manning.

Not expecting much of a game for the Super Bowl this year, I made plans to attend Sunday evening Mass as always. I figured the 17-0 New England Patriots would run away with the game early. At Mass, there were about fifty people there--that's what happens on Super Bowl Sunday. Even our American priest, Father Joe McDonald, was most likely watching and our priest was a Columbian-born father who probably didn't care who won.

On the way home, I stopped by my daughter and son-in-law's house to watch the end.

Was I ever wrong.

This was a super Super Bowl, and though I only caught the last quarter, that's when a lot of the action took place.

The Giants, a blue-collar team from Jersey, upended the white-bread Patriots. It was a memorable performance by this team. My favorite play was receiver Stephen Tyree going up for a desperation catch and managing to catch it against his helmet with a defender hanging all over him. How he caught it I'll never know.

Okay, maybe next year my Redskins will go farther...after all, they're set to interview the mastermind assistant coach behind the success of...the New York Giants.


  1. have you ever seen a lively, festive superbowl party turn into the atmostphere of a funeral? That's what was going on here in New England last night. What an incredible upset!

  2. Les, I offer my condolences for your Pats. I was a big Pats fan till the cheating scandal, and then they lost me. I love the players---Brady, Moss, etc, but I have no respect for Belicheck.

    I feel like a part of me will always love any Boston team--seems like Boston is the city that I wish I was from---but the Giants deserved this one.

    Wait'll next year! Maybe my Skins will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes.

  3. that's what happens when you get arrogant, I guess. Everyone just "assumed" the Pats were going to win easily, as you said in the blog. But, hey, what fun would the game be if it was that easy! The Giants played a great game, Pats fans just have to concede.

    I wouldn't want to be Brady or Belichick today though. Ouch! That was a painful beating.
