Sunday, April 13, 2008

95th Bomb Group Reunion, Tucson, Arizona

Today there was unlimited visibility in the American West, allowing one to see all the way to the horizon. Above is the Grand Canyon from 32,000 feet.
I took this on a one-hour break on Saturday, just a short distance outside of Tucson.

A proud 95th vet, who was also a Prisoner of War, also makes a statement for peace with his bumper sticker at right: "War is NOT the Answer". I never did find out whose car this was.
Technical wizard Art Watson figured out a solution to a troubling issue with the B-17s superchargers. As a result, he was awarded the Legion of Merit.
B-17 Pilot 'Lucky' McGinty proudly wears his flight jacket.
Charlie Gallagher models his A-2 jacket.
My dear friend Bob Capen, who was in my first book, checks out his old "office"--the ball turret, for our mutual friend Brad Petrella, Jr., whose dad Brad Petralla was in the 95th.

95th Bomb Group pilot and fellow writer John Walter checks out the living quarters at the 390th BG Museum at the Pima Air Museum. "Ah, the memories!"

Just got back tonight and then had to work till now getting ready for another week of teaching day and night school. Am I ready? No. Hopefully, I learned a thing or two about "winging it" from all the tremendous WWII vets I met and interviewed at the Reunion in Tucson the past few days. It was a wonderful experience and I'm posting just a couple photos tonight. A full report will follow as time permits.
These men only confirm what I already knew--they ARE the Greatest Generation. God bless them all! Without them and thousands like them, we would not be free.

1 comment:

  1. Rob, what can I say but I ENVY you. What is better than meeting the vets face to face and hearing from them first hand!? Their humility is always mind boggling to me for the courage they have shown in life seems super-human.

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos. -Les
