Monday, May 26, 2008

In Heartfelt Thanks on Memorial Day

The original flag-raising on Iwo Jima, often overlooked by history.
A B-17 Flying Fortress goes down over Europe.
Airborne Rangers get ready to jump into Normandy the day before D-Day.
German POWs assemble graves near the beaches shortly after D-Day.
The British lovingly tend the American cemeteries in England. Truly, they have not forgotten.
Heartfelt thank you to all veterans of the Allied powers who fought in World War Two. Your sacrifices gave us our freedom and saved the world from tyranny. In a day and age when the word 'hero' is used for grown men who hit balls with sticks or throw pigskin in children's games, it is fitting that the word be returned to those who truly deserve the moniker.

I am honored to know so many of our Greatest Generation, many of them veterans. A better group of men rarely walked the earth. They answered the call of duty, served with courage and honor, and returned to build a better world for us all.

Thank you.

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