Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This Blog off the Air Till June 20

This blog will have no new entries until June 20 or 21. I am leaving tomorrow for England to do research for the unit history on the 95th Bomb Group, stationed at Horham, England during World War Two. The 95th was one of the first bomb groups to fly in the war, and distinguished itself throughout the war in combat, earning three Distinguished Unit Citations and becoming the first American heavy bomber group to strike Berlin.

Time will be spent in Horham, at the Cambridge American Cemetery, at Duxford Air Museum, at the old bases at Horham, Framlingham (390th Bomb Group) and the 100th Bomb Group at Thorpe-Abbotts. All three bases are in East Anglia.


  1. Rob, Safe travels and looking forward to seeing you next week in the Scottish hills.

  2. Have a great and safe trip, Rob! Looking forward to seeing all your great pics, hearing about your tales of adventure and, most importantly, reading your book about the 95th!

  3. I realize that this comment may be off the subject but I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your effort and heart as you endeavor to remind the world that the freedom we so enjoy came at a heavy price. I myself recently started a blog for that same purpose. I sincerely hope that you'll continue your journey and your legacy. Please visit my blog at http://imaginestudio1.blogspot.com/
    I look forward to hearing from you.
