Saturday, June 28, 2008

To Bone and Back

...Bone, Idaho, that is. Population, about three or four. Today was the annual to Bone and Back Race sponsored by one of the hospitals here in town. For the seventh year, my wife's former boss, Dr. Tim Taylor fielded an eight-person team for the 40 mile relay race across the sagebrush and the hills to Bone. For more on the race, click here:

We had a lot of fun, everybody got sunburned to some extent, and nobody expired on the course. Here are some photos from the event.Dr. Tim "Toolman" Taylor reaches the top of the 6,500 foot hill outside of Ammon and Idaho Falls. This leg takes incredible stamina, with a vertical climb of several thousand feet in five miles.The team cheers on a team-mate on the course. L-R: Lindi, Megan T., Treasa Taylor, Geri Morris, Trent Walker, Tim Taylor, and Janet. Trent fearlessly takes a hill. Jennifer Walker makes good time on the course as a hot sun beats down.

Lindi Merritt, comes down the hill past the Ammon Cemetery on the last leg of the race.Strategy session. Our strategy--slow but sure. Lindi, Treasa, Tim, Janet, Geri
My wife Geri runs steadily along through the middle of nowhere near an old ranch.

Yours truly, feeling pain near the top of a steep incline.A team victorious, at least as far as it is concerned. L-R: Lindi Merritt, Megan Taylor, Tim Taylor, Janet , Geri Morris, Rob Morris. Missing are Trent and Jennifer Walker.

Our time was 7 hours, 19 minutes, 26 seconds.Energy past and present. An old farm truck and a wind turbine on the way to Bone.

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