Friday, August 15, 2008

Outstanding Website Shows British Air Bases--Must See

I recently got in touch with Richard Flagg of Hoxne, England, a World War Two aviation history researcher who has built an incredible site that catalogs many of the air bases in East Anglia from World War Two. This website is a real gem, and I urge everybody with an interest in the air war and the air bases to check it out. It's extensive, well-researched, and chock-full of excellent photos.

By way of introduction, Richard writes on his site:
"Hello and welcome to my collection of Airfield & Aviation Memorial photographs. Please enjoy looking at the photographs I have taken and please leave any comments by using the button below the photograph. Feel free to rate the photographs as well (out of 10) and if you feel the urge to write to me then please do so by clicking here.

I started taking photos of airfield memorials and old airfields a few years back and the more I research the more there is still waiting to be discovered. Memorial sites are wonderful places to find as well, some of them are in the most obscure places, some of them more obvious but all are there to remember the past and those who never returned.

Old Airfields are wonderful places to visit, each one telling its own story. The power and grace, the emotion and sadness are all there still to be felt at these places. Every airfield still has an energy and a very special atmosphere that cannot be recreated in a photograph. Every airfield I have been to so far will always remain to be an airfield, regardless how time has fared.

I am always on the lookout for new places to visit and new memorial sites to see, so if you know of any that I am yet to photograph in the areas that I have been to then drop me a line here. I hope to make a comprehensive database of memorial sites and visit as many as I can when time permits. If you do decide to go and have a walk around any airfield, be warned that some are still very active places and flying will be taking place. All of the airfields I have visited I have always had permission to be there, or I have followed a public right of way and I suggest you do the same. Make sure you have gained permission to visit any site as nearly all of them are private property. Although I have disabled the 'right-click' function on this website, use of any of these images is allowed. Contact Me with your email address and I will forward them on to you. If you want to use them for commercial publication then please contact me as well.

Richard E Flagg. Suffolk, UK. "

The website can be found by clicking here:
Bookmark it, visit often, and drop Richard a line if you have a chance. He's done a wonderful thing here.

Thanks, Richard!

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