Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Photos of Ireland

Found a few more photos taken in Dingle, County Kerry, Ireland when I was over there in June.


  1. Wonderful. I was there in July. Jerry is so beautiful, eh?

    Oh you may be interested in one or two recent posts: a group photo from Pathfinder sunday in August and a little about a Trinidadian pathfinder.

  2. thank you, jams. i'll check it out.
    I was just off the phone from a man in Wisconsin who has an interesting story about the last 95th BG B-17 to go down in WWII. Officially, the plane was hit by flak and then lost engine power over the channel. This guy says several of the crewmen listed as on the plane did not even fly that day because they were drunk. What a bizarre story. I'm getting the details from him tomorrow night in a phone interview.
    I love kerry. note that this pix went through security so they got zapped. most of the pix were ruined.
