Friday, October 3, 2008

The Long and Winding Road...

This old shed has always interested me. Note how the farmer used different colored shingles to create a pattern.
Sagebrush and fenceposts.
Fall light and clouds coming in...
Up in the foothills, looking north...just a whole lotta nuthin'.
Looking south...
Sign up top.
All of a sudden, the wind kicks up to where I can hardly stand up. The dirt from all the fields whips the sky into a brown cloud of dust.

As the dust storm subsides, I catch a great shot of an old piece of farm equipment in the strange earth-hued light.

Went for an eight-mile run today, and took my camera, to catch the fall colors. I didn't catch many fall colors, but I did run into a huge dust storm that reminded me of photos of the Dust Bowl in the thirties.

I run from my home up into the foothills above the Snake River Plain. Way up on top, the sky got dark and a dust storm kicked up. We just had harvest and are in the midst of spud harvest so there are a lot of exposed fields right now. The wind kicked up to the point where I could barely stand, but that was only on top. By the time I got home, it was over.

And now, the sun is out again...