Sunday, January 18, 2009

A 10-Mile Run with a View of the Grand Tetons

This shot has been cropped and modified as far as contrast and color to show the Tetons better. The telltale three spires are in center of photo. These mountains are 90 miles away. I took this on my ten-mile run this afternoon--a day when the air was clear as a bell. The photo below shows the same scene, with the Tetons a little left of center,.

Wind turbines.

Looking toward town from the top of the hill. At center and left center are two volcanoes in the Arco Desert. Below, also looking down, but more northwest.

A cold and very clear winter day today. I ran up to the top of the foothills above Ammon, and from the top could see all the way to the volcanos to the north and the Tetons to the east. To give you an idea of distance, the volcanoes are a good fifty miles away and the Tetons a good ninety miles away. We are in Idaho but the Tetons are in Wyoming.

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