Sunday, June 7, 2009

Leonard Herman Display Now Open at Horham, England

This shot shows Len's service flimsey, his bombardier's briefcase, identification, and news articles about him saved by his family during the war.

Last summer, when I traveled to Horham, England for research on my upcoming history of the 95th Bomb Group (H), I donated, with Leonard Herman's permission, the things he had saved from his time in the 95th Bomb Group, and other items from his training. Leonard was so excited to know his stuff would be on display back in Horham, and when I visited him last summer, we talked about going over to visit this summer, even though he was ailing. Sadly, Leonard passed away in October, so he never got to see his exhibit at the museum. But I know he would have been so pleased and proud had he seen the marvelous job on the display by museum worker Ray Howlett, who put this display so lovingly and accurately. In fact, I wept with happiness when I first saw these photos today. Thanks so much, Ray, and to all our English friends who do so much to honor the legacy of the bomber boys in WWII.

This shot shows Len's stencil, escape currency, a letter from his pilot's wife to Len after pilot Johnny Johnson was killed on a mission, a crew photo, and on the far end of the case, the telegram informing his parents of his being wounded in action on the same mission Johnny Johnson was killed.
Crew photo, some of Len's chest ribbons, Len's bombardier briefcase, embossed with his name, a roll of chaff, and Len's Purple Heart License plate.
Close-up of Len's Jewish Prayer Book, issued by the U.S. Military, as well as service records.

Len and me, July 2008, Columbus, Georgia.

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