Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Another Hollywood Patriot

Friend and fellow aviation historian John Havers of England writes:

"To your Hollywood Patriots I would like to add Robert Preston who served as an Intelligence Officer in the 9th AF with the 386BG at Great Dunmow in 1943/4. I had the pleasure of meeting him at that time during a fund raising concert, probably June 1944 during Salute the Soldier Week, held in the E T Foakes Memorial Hall. This venue, the only one in town, would be remembered by 386BG veterans for the dances held there two or thee times a week.

This is his autograph which I still have":

Robert Preston is best known for his 1957 role as Professor Harold Hill in 'The Music Man', for which he won a Tony Award on Broadway. He then played the same part in the Hollywood version. In 1982, he was nominated for an Oscar for his role as a gay entertainer in 'Victor/Victoria'.

Robert Preston passed away in 1987 from lung cancer. He was 69 years old.

1 comment:

  1. The Foakes Memorial Hall! I have some quite painful memories of going to see 'The White Horse Inn' there, probably 23 or 4 years later.
