Thursday, July 12, 2007

Request for Comments

Good day, readers.

Just a quick 'thank you' to each of you for taking the time to read--and hopefully enjoy--my daily blog on WWII airmen. As a writer, I use this blog as a warm-up to my daily writing, and it works wonderfully for that purpose. After I write it, I then move on to hours of novel-writing, my writing parts well-oiled and my prose un-purpled.

However, I'd love for the blog to become a two-way street, where readers comment on entries and suggest stories they'd like to read about. I know some of my readers are World War Two Air Corps veterans, with stories galore, and I'd love for each of you to respond to any posts that jog an old memory or call to mind a story of related interest.

So, please, dive on it. This neighborhood is as much yours as mine. Jump in and join the discussion!
A great author at work, Ernest Hemingway. No comparison to this author is intended or implied. But a guy can dream.


  1. Hi Rob. I feel like the kid at the front of the class who is always raising his hand, but the teacher wishes that other kids in the class would participate more. This site is awesome and you are a great writer! Thanks for sharing all of these stories of "Untold Valor". I'm looking forward to the publication of your novel.

    What a treat it was to meet Maurice Rockett in person yesterday. I can't stop thinking about the experience of: "breaking bread" with a genuine WWII hero. What a sense of humor, what a smile and Grace was wonderful! Maurice, the bombardier from the Mighty Eighth was there, right across from me! It's like a young, teenage musician eating lunch with one of his favorite "rock stars" or something. I don't know... I think you know what I mean.

  2. Les:
    Thanks. Your contributions are always welcome. One of my friends in England has a blog, and I go there every day and try to write something on every post on which I have something to offer (I'm a little weak on British politics. I hope you feel free to do the same.

    I'm glad you had a good visit with Maurice and Grace. Yes, they are good people. Wish I could have been there to hoist a cold one with you.

    You and I are on the same wavelength today, vis a vis your comment about musicians and rock stars. My only post today is about one of my favorites, Bill Wyman. Most people don't know he was in the RAF in Germany during the Cold War.
