Thursday, June 18, 2009

95th Base in Horham, Suffolk Adds a New Building

When I visited Horham, Suffolk (a small town in East Anglia not far from the North Sea) last June, the British museum board was just writing a grant proposal to the English government to help raise funds to build a long Nissen hut perpendicular to the existed entrance to the Red Feather Club on the 95th Bomb Group's old air base at Horham. The Red Feather Club served during the war as the enlisted men's club and bar, and was rebuilt from derelict condition by British volunteers some years ago. This is my favorite museum anywhere, not because it is the biggest but because it presents its topic so lovingly and accurately.

The 95th at Horham has been very fortunate to gain the services of Roy Howlett, who since joining the group, has done some great things. More about those in the next post. First of all, some photos, sent by Roy, of the building of the Blue Room Nissen hut--from foundation to Big Band celebration in well under a year. Congrats, and hope to see it in person soon.

British readers, I would appreciate names of those in the photos if you can help me out. I'd like to post them.

Visit the 95th Horham Museum here, and consider making a donation:
I recognize John Blott in the blue denim. Help me out with the other workers.

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