Thursday, June 18, 2009

Englishman Ray Howlett Completes 95th Base Diorama

One of the new crewman at the 95th Horham is Ray Howlett. Ray is the gentleman who put together the excellent museum display of Leonard Herman's 95th BG artifacts. But it turns out that Ray is a man of many talents. Here are photos, used with permission, of a diorama Ray built of the Horham air base, 95th BG, during WWII. It's amazing. Can't wait to see it in person.

Ray writes: "Firstly my diorama, it measures 11 ft 7 ins X 8 ft 3 ins [ 3.5 mtrs X 2.5 mtrs ] which includes the full airfield, bomb dumps, Horham Village and the Technical Site.
To try and cover the time span of 1943 through to 1945 I have included such events as B-26 Marauders, C-47 Skytrains, B-24 Liberator and a A-10 Catalina ASR. In the road transport, 6x6 trucks, jeeps, runway control vehicles plus many civilian vehicles. Finally, people and base personnel.

All is in 1/700th scale. All the buildings are made from scratch-- built from plasti-card and plasti-strip. I must say I was amazed at the interest especially from the local people, the one big and continuous question is, "where is the Red Feather Club"? I am pleased to say that I have started work on the Group's living quarters, hospital and communal sites [ including the RFC]. This section will measure 5 ft X 6 ft 6ins [ 1.53 mtrs X 2.00 mtrs This will complete the picture and help the school children that visit see the size of Station 119."

Main street through Horham, base on left. Where the road turns to the right at top, you can see the St. Mary Church. One of the base entrances was right next to it and the Old School.

Model of the 95th celebrating the first daylight raid over Berlin. The 95th was the first heavy bomber group to bomb Berlin in daylight.

Town of Horham, with St. Mary church (tall gray structure) in lower center. While I was in Horham, I stayed with Alan Johnson in the house at the very bottom of this phot in the center. the brown area is the village green, and the buildings right below it are the Horham Community Center.

Base visitors.

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