It's been a long week. Teaching at the alternative high school is hard work----and I love it.
I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of those who have bought my book over the past few years. Books are not cheap any more, and with the economy being bad, I appreciate it all the more. Some folks assume that writers make a lot of money. I assure you, this one does not, and I appreciate every person who has ever bought the book.
Is 'Untold Valor' the book I wish it were? No. I've grown a lot as a writer since I wrote it. Still, I'm happy with it, because I took the time to find these great men and write down their stories. Half of these guys are no longer with us. So, though the book is far from perfect, it's the best effort one imperfect human being could do honor those who did so much to keep us free in World War Two. Not a day goes by that I do not mourn the loss of men like Gus Mencow, Lee Kessler, Gene Carson, Herb Alf, Lyle Shafer, and more---men that changed me forever with their love, humanity, and courage.
Thanks, readers, for keeping the faith and honoring these great men. If I never made one cent from my book, I'd be a rich man just from knowing these airmen of WWII.
And tonight, I honor you, the reader, as well---from my friends in India and England to those here in the USA. Thank you.
God bless you all.
I cannot recommend Rob's book highly enough. It's a fantastic testament to the men that fought in the skies over Europe . . . and a GREAT read.
Agreed! This is a phenomenal book about bravery unsurpassed, stories that would have gone untold had it not been for Rob.
I finished this book recently which was given to me by my girlfriend out of the blue, knowing that I am an avid aviation and World War II enthusiast with a grandfather who flew in the gunner position of a TBM. This book is an excellent memorial to every person that it embodies, man woman or child. I enjoyed it very much and will certainly read it again and again... it is yet one more shining example as to why anyone, including myself, should take time to interview anyone they hold dear about their experiences in life.
Thanks for the great read!
Thanks, Mike, for the most welcome and very kind words about my book. I agree, we must work hard to preserve the stories because soon they will take wing with the men who can tell them.
Also, thanks to Richard for letting me know you posted, since i don't check my comments very often.
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