Today is Veteran's Day in the United States, and I invited my friend Marshall Dullum to come in and speak to our high school about his experiences as an airman in World War Two, the Berlin Airlift, and Korea. Marshall was a B-29 radio operator during the Korean War, flying 26 missions over enemy territory and having numerous adventures in his years in the Air Force from WWII through Korea. He gave a fascinating talk to about 90 students and staff at Emerson High School.

It was an honor to have Marshall come to our school, and to have him share his experiences with us.
Thanks, Marshall. We'll never forget what you and so many did so that we could enjoy the freedoms we so often take for granted.
For more on Marshall Dullum, please see my story about him at this link:
Thank you so much for posting tributes to our vets. My brother is a Sgt. in the army and is preparing to serve his 3rd tour in Iraq this December. He is my hero. All those who have served our country are my heroes. I feel as if we don't give them enough credit or tribute that they deserve.
Send my his pic, Darci, and I'll honor him on the blog.
did i mention to you that I ran into your dad at the minneapolis airport a few weeks ago? he was coming from Newark and i was coming from philly.
it's a small world.
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