Above: Just outside of Ammon, Idaho, on the flats. Elevation 4,700'. Beautiful summer day.
Below: The first hill climb up to about 6,500', though sagebrush prairie. Snake River plain in background.

Below: Over the top of the first hill, looking southeast. Big windfarm up here. On a clear day, looking northeast, you can see the Grand Tetons from here.

Below: On the upper flats, passing the wind farm.

A beautiful but windy day. Our eight-person team ran the 40-mile course in slightly over six hours, putting us firmly in the middle of the pack. My knee held. It was great fun. There is a single-runner option in this race. One man ran the entire forty miles--alone--in just over six hours. There is no shade on this race--it's across open rangeland, farmland and desert.
Glad you're stoll standing Rob. Weren't you put off by those nasty turning turbines?
That would be 'still standing', as the artist formerly known as Reg Dwight once sang!
Still standing, though a little wobbly.
I don't like the turbines. They're a real eyesore. These one were silent, at least, as they rotated.
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